The bamboo period pantie
We have three styles of period panties. The classy pantie. The comfy pantie. And the cheeky pantie. All three are on our shelves because they each ...
If you normally change your hygiene products five times a day for seven days a month this gives you the chance to make 35 good decisions every month.
That is 420 good decisions in a year... 10,500 good decisions in 25 years. … And 15,750 good decisions in an average life with periods.
By choosing a better solution for your period than single-use, disposable hygiene products, you help do what’s right for the planet.
We are topping up your efforts by planting a tree to celebrate your decision. That’s right, for every order placed we plant a tree in the rainforest where reforestation is most needed.
We have three styles of period panties. The classy pantie. The comfy pantie. And the cheeky pantie. All three are on our shelves because they each ...
Read moreIt is not the single disposable menstrual pad or tampon that ruins the environment. It is the repeated action of choosing the “easy”, disposable so...
Read moreSingle-use, disposable hygiene products are soon a thing of the past. We just now know too much about the environmental impact of these solutions – that’s why we must make more clever decisions. My period project is all about making the clever decision available for everyone globally.